8 Januari 2012

Proposal SMK MUH 3 KRA

“TONO Workshop”
Ngemplak, Ngiri, Karangpandan

The Task is Used to Fulfill the Requirement of Semester Test and to Face the UAN  2011/2012

Created by :
NIS         : 4009
Class       : XII.O.1

Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of


          This  report the job training on have been agreed and ratified as one of  the requirements to follow Semester Test and  National  Examination (UN) Technical High School  2011 / 2012.

Day     : …………………….
Date    : …. January 2012

Karanganyar, January 9  2012

Agreed :
Counsellor Teacher                                                    English Teacher

Agus Tri Makno. S.Pd                                            Ariyanto, S.Pd,MM.
   NBM.823566                                                         NBM. 1072741

Knowing of the Headmaster of
Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of Karanganyar

Drs. Ngadiyo, M.Pd.
NBM. 696023


This report will be dedicated to:

Ø  Mr. Drs. Ngadiyo M.Pd. as Headmaster of Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of Karanganyar.
Ø  Mr. Ariyanto S.Pd,MM. as English teacher of Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of Karanganyar.
Ø  All teachers of Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of Karanganyar.
Ø  My beloved Father and Mother who give some support.
Ø  All my friends who help to finish this report.

1.     No effort no results
2.    Confidence is the way to achieve success
3.    Success comes from a strong will



        Thank to our God who gives an opportunity to us to finish this task. With this completion this task, the writer try enrich the variety of students lesson in mastering English. We take the title “PO. TEGUH JAYA”, Gerdu, Tegalgede, Karanganyar as a task to fulfill the requirement of  Semester test 2011/2012.

Beside that we are very thank to:
  1. Mr. Drs. NgadiyoM.Pd. as Headmaster of Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of Karanganyar.
  2. Mr. Ariyanto, S.Pd,MM. as our English teacher who gives the guide of the arranging the report.
  3. All the teachers Muhammadiyah 3 Technical High School of Karanganyar.
  4. Our friends who give some support.

   Finally, the writer trust that we do so much mistake in this task, the mistake word and anything else. Because of that, the writer always hopes suggestion from reader. Hope fully this task can give a new knowledge also motivation in our study.

Karanganyar,  December 10 2011

The Writer

TITLE................................................................................................     i
VALIDATION...................................................................................     ii
DEDICATION...................................................................................     iii
MOTTO...........................................................................................     iv
PREFACE..........................................................................................     v
TABLE of CONTENT........................................................................     vi
TABLE of PICTURE..........................................................................    vii
UNIT I THE BACKGROUND of THE REPORT.................................     1
A.  Purpose Industry Work Practice............................................     1
B.  Objectives Industry Work Practice.........................................     1
C.  Brief History of Company / Workshop.................................     1
D.  Organization Chart................................................................     2
E.   Safety Workshop....................................................................     2
UNIT II MATERIAL..........................................................................     3
A.  DIESEL ENGINE......................................................................     3
1.   Working Principle of Diesel Engine...................................     3
2.  Main Different Diesel And Gasolin Engine........................     4
3.  Diesel Engine  Combustion Process..................................     5
4.  Diesel Engine  Combustion Chamber Shape.....................     6
5.  Diesel Engine  Components..............................................     7
6.  Lubrication  System...........................................................    13
UNIT III CLOSING...........................................................................    17
A.  Consclusion............................................................................    17
B.  Suggestion..............................................................................    17
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................    18


Picture 1. Diesel engine combustion process............................................     6
Picture 2. Combustion chamber shape...................................................     6
Picture 3. Crankcse and cylinder sleeve..................................................     8
Picture 4. Piston and Piston ring............................................................     8
Picture 5. Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearings.........................    10
Picture 6. Crankshaft...........................................................................     11
Picture 7. Flywheel..............................................................................     11
Picture 8. Valve mechanism..................................................................    12


A.   Purpose Industry Work Practice
          The practice of industrial work is the activity of school for students in providing experience and introduces students to the world of business and to compare or equate between theory and practice of school in the industrial world.

B.   Objectives Industry Work Practices
1.     Establish cooperation between industry and the Vocational high school.
2.    Improving students horizons about the science of the majors that they do.
3.    Improving the skills of students.
4.    Synchronizing between practice and theory in the world industry.
5.    Preparing students to the world of work.

C.   Brief History of Company / Workshop
PO. TEGUH JAYA was established by Mr. Gunadi. PO. TEGUH JAYA is transport service place the rute is Solo-Jakarta, the aim of build the transport service is to serve the customers if they to go out town goodly. PO. TEGUH JAYA was long established and have 2 mechanic if his travel any trouble they are Misdi nd Sunar. Until now this transport service place is established and many of customers to use this travel.

D.   Organization Chart
Text Box: Leadership of Workshop
Mr. Gunadi


Text Box: Mechanic 2
SunarText Box: Mechanic 1

E.   Safety Workshop
Before carrying out the work we must attetion this section, namely:
1. Pray, before and after carrying out the work.
2. Wear work clothes or practice
3. Be careful in carrying out activities
4. Serious in doing the work
5. Using the tool according to function


Diesel comes from the name of an engineer from Germany who discovered this machine in 1893, Dr.. Rudolf Diesel. He obtained a patent (RP 67 207), entitled 'Arbeitsverfahren und für Ausführungsart Verbrennungsmaschinen'. At that time the machine is dependent on the heat generated when compression to ignite fuel. The fuel is routed into the cylinder by air pressure at the end of compression.
In 1924, Robert Bosch, an engineer from Germany, trying to develop injection pump rather than using the air pressure which finally succeeded in perfecting the idea of ​​Rudolf Diesel. The success of Robert Bosch with the diesel engine is up to currently used by the public.

1.   Working Principle of Diesel Engine
Engine / motor Diesel (diesel engine) is one form of internal combustion motors (internal combustion engine) in addition to motor gasoline and gas turbines. Diesel engine with spark ignition is called compression (compression ignition engines) due to ignition of the fuel temperature caused by compression of air in the combustion chamber. On the other hand called motor motor gasoline spark ignition (spark ignition engines) due to ignition of fuel caused by electrical sparks from spark plugs.
How to burn and pengatomisasian (atomizing) on ​​diesel motor fuel is not the same as motor gasoline. In motor gasoline fuel mixture and carburettor air melelui inserted into the cylinder and burned by the flame of an electric spark. On being smoked by a diesel engine piston and inserted into the combustion chamber air only, which then air is compressed until it reaches a high temperature and pressure. A few moments before the piston reaches top dead point (TDC) of diesel fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. With the temperature and air pressure in the cylinder is sufficiently high then the particles of the fuel will burn by itself to form the combustion process. To be able to burn diesel fuel itself, it would require a compression ratio of 15-22 and compressed air temperature approximately 600 º C.
Although not required for diesel motor ignition systems as well as in motor gasoline, but the diesel motor fuel injection system required a berupapompa injection (injection pump) and the atomizer (injector) and other auxiliary equipment. Fuel is sprayed flammable nature must have its own (self-ignition).

2.  Main differences Diesel And Gasoline Engine
Motor diesel and motor gasoline has some major differences, when viewed from a few items below, namely (see Table 1).
Diesel motor also has advantages over gasoline motors, namely:
a.    The use of more fuel-efficient, because the thermal efficiency isbetter, more efficient operating costs because diesel fuel is cheaper.
b.    Longer durability and fewer problems, because it does not use the ignition system.
c.    Type of fuel are being used more.
d.    Easier operation and suitable for large vehicles, due to variations in the moment that occurs at a smaller rate changes.
In brief the working principle of 4 stroke diesel engine is as follows:
a.    Suction step, ie when the piston moves from TDC to the TMB. The air sucked through the suction valve while the exhaust valve is closed.
b.    Compression step, ie when the piston moves from TDC to the TMB to compress air which sucked, because both the suction valve and the exhaust valve is closed, so the pressure and air temperature in the cylinder will rise.
c.    Step efforts, when the suction valves and exhaust valves are still closed, the fuel particles are sprayed by the atomizer mixes with the air-pressure and high temperature, so there was burning. In this step the piston starts moving from TDC to the TMB because combustion takes place gradually.
d.    Step waste, when the piston moves from TDC to the TMB continues with suction valve closed and the exhaust valve is open, so the former combustion gases pushed out.

3.  Diesel Engine Combustion Process
Combustion process is divided into 4 periods:
a.    Period 1: Time delayed combustion (ignition delay) (A-B) During this period, called the preparatory phase of combustion, because the particles are injected fuel mixes with air in the cylinder so you can easily burn.
b.    Period 2: Propagation of fire (BC) In this second period of the fuel and air mixture will be burned in some places. The flame will travel at high speed so as if the mixture burned at once, thus causing the pressure in the cylinder rises. This period is often referred to this period is often called the burning of letup.
c.    Period 3: Direct Combustion (CD) As a result of the flame in the cylinder, the fuel is injected directly on fire. Combustion can be controlled directly from the amount of fuel injected, so that this period is often called the period of controlled burning.
d.    Period 4: Burning up (DE) Injection ends at point D, but not burning all the fuel. So even if the injection has ended, the combustion is ongoing. When the firing continued for too long, high temperature exhaust gas will cause the efficiency of heat down.
       Picture 1. Diesel engine combustion process

4.  Diesel Engine Combustion Chamber Shape
Combustion chambers in diesel motor combustion chamber is more complicated than the gasoline motor. Forms the combustion chamber in diesel engines greatly determines the ability, because of the combustor is planned with the aim that the mixture of air and fuel into homogeneous and highly flammable as well.
Diesel engine combustion chamber is classified into 2 types, namely:
a.    Type of combustion chamber (direct combustion chamber)
b.    Type additional combustion chamber (auxiliary combustion chamber)
Type additional combustion chamber, there are 3 kinds, namely:
a.    Rooms face the combustion chamber (precombustion chamber)
b.    Navel combustion chamber (swirl chamber)
c.    Chamber fuel cell water (water cell combustion chamber)
       Picture 2. combustion chamber shape
Space Fuel Direct
Advantages direct combustion chamber are:
·         high-efficiency heat more, use more fuel-efficient because the form of a simple combustion chamber.
·         Start can easily be done at the time the engine cold start without using tools incandescent spark plug (glow plug).
·         Suitable for large engines due to simple construction of the cylinder head.
Losses direct combustion chamber are:
·         Requires a good quality fuel.
·         Requires a higher injection pressure.
·         Frequent disturbances nozzle, nozzle life is shorter because it uses a lot of nozzle holes (multiple nozzle holes).
·         Compared with the kinds of additional combustion chamber, the turbulence is weaker, so it is difficult for high speed.

5.  Diesel Engine Components
Diesel engine components are not much different from gasoline engine components. A collection of components (elements) that form a unity and working together is called the engine. Engine is going to work and generate power from the combustion process and then convert it into energy of motion and straight motion of the piston to change the rotary motion. Engine is a major part for the borer in a series of vehicles. Most of the vehicles using combustion model in (Combussion Engine). In that model the combustion process occurs in the cylinder. In the combustion cycle, after obtained the air to be compressed in the cylinder by the piston, fuel (diesel) is sprayed into the cylinder by using the Fuel Injector, then there was the burning process and the expansion of the process of producing power. In a series of machines there are several components that form a single unit to produce power. The components are:

1)    Crankcase and cyclinder Sleeve
Picture 3. Crankcase and cyclinder Sleeve

Crankcase or crank tub placed under the cylinder block. At the top is made in such a way as to place the crank shaft (crankshaft) is supported by the pads. Crankcase is made of cast iron and molded rigid with stress concentration and the changes are very small. Cyclinder sleeve is a cylinder wall or walls of the kiln which has a smooth surface.

2)   Piston and Piston Ring
Picture 4, Piston and Piston Ring

Caption 7:
1. Piston                       3. 2nd Ring Compression
2. Oil Ring                   4. 1st Compression Ring
The piston is a component that serves to receive the pressure or the expansion of combustion is then forwarded to the crankshaft via the connecting rod. Component that connects the piston to the connecting rod called piston pin. To prevent leakage between the piston to cylinder wall and the inclusion of fuel lubricating oil chamber, the piston mounted on the top three piston rings: two rings for compression and one ring for lubrication. Piston should have properties resistant to high pressure and can work in high speed.
At Colt Diesel engine, the pistons are made from materials that have a casting alloys ALLUMINIUM side or clereance between the cyclinder piston sleeve. Piston pins are used are full floating, which is not free to move against the piston pin, but free to move against the conecting rod.
Serves as a piston ring seal seals to prevent leakage between the piston to cylinder wall and prevent the entry of lubricating oil into the combustion chamber and move most of the hot piston to cylinder wall.
Piston rings made of special cast iron and given a cut joint for easy installation into the grooves found on the piston. To Colt Diesel engine is, the rubbing surface of each ring is hard chrome plated, except for the latter. There are three rings on the piston which is attached, the two compression rings and one oil ring. Compression ring serves to prevent leakage of gas during the compression stroke and employment measures, while the oil ring works to scrape off excess grease from the cylinder wall and prevent entry into the combustion chamber.

3)   Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearings
Picture 5. Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearings

Caption 8:
1. Connecting Rod Bushing    5. Upper Connecting Rod Bearing
2. Connecting Rod               6. Connecting Rod Bearings Lower
3. Connecting Rod Cap        A. Signs To Align
4. Connecting Rod Bolt        B. Mass Mark
Connecting rod is the part that connects the piston to the crankshaft. Connecting rod is repeatedly worked with full power to receive the load. Therefore, connecting rod made of special steel material.
Connecting rod bearings consist of two types of model types bearing inserts (insert bearings) and bearing type casting models. In general, the model bearing inserts are widely used because it can be fitted with appropriate and can be replaced if damageCrankshaft has the important task of changing a straight motion into rotary motion. At Colt Diesel, the crankshaft is used is highly rigid die forgings integral with the balance weight. Balance weight fitted to ensure the balance of turnover. At the front end of the crankshaft, there is a crankshaft pulley and crankshaft gear is fastened with bolts. Rotate the crankshaft pulley and alternator water pump through V-Belt.
4)   Crankshaft
                      Picture 6. crankshaft

At Colt Diesel engines, the main bearing material is made of special alloy materials kelmet, which is a material made of steel backing with a mixture of copper and tin as the lining. This layer of white metal harder and more resistant to heat. Upper main bearing oil groove and holes have oil that is in line with the oil holes on crankshaft.

5)   Flywheel
                       Picture 7. Flywheel

Flywheel is a dish made of cast iron and bolted to the end of the crankshaft. Crankshaft torque from just getting it working step. So that the crankshaft can work on other measures, must be able to save power crankshaft rotation obtained. Part of this is storing flywheel torque. At around the flywheel ring gear mounted related to starter pinion.

6)   Valve Mechanism
                Picture 8. Valve mechanism

The parts that move the opening and closing the valve at regular time called the valve mechanism. Valve mechanism is divided into several sets of valves are the type of valve side (side valve) and the type of valve head (overhead valve). At Colt Diesel engine is the valve used was an overhead valve type.
The parts contained in the valve mechanism, among others, are as follow:
·         Head Valve: This is the valve that has a conical shape 45o or 30o. When the valve is closed, the valve will stick tightly on the valve position. Head valves are made in various shapes to reduce resistance and improve cooling suction.
·         Stem Valves: valve stem is made to move the valve stem inside the conductor, because that valve must be able to move well. At the bottom there is a valve stem spring groove to the place of detention.
·         The spring valve: the valve spring is a spiral spring which worked the valves closed. Most machines are equipped with a valve spring on each valve, but there are also uses two springs having different voltages. If the spring tension is weak, the possibility of gas will come out of the valve and the engine power is reduced.
·         Push Rod: Push rod a small stalk that connects the rocker arm and valve lifters, which serves to move the motion to the end of the rocker arm lifter.
·         Rocker Arms: Rocker arm is attached above the cylinder head and is supported at its center by a rocker arm shaft. When the push rod lift up (pressing) one rocker arm, it will push the valve stem tip and cause the valve open.

6.  Lubrication System
1)    Colt Diesel Engine Lubrication on
In construction there are a lot of engine parts moving parts, components such as pistons, coneccting rod, crank shaft, cam shafts, valves, and many other components. Lubrication is intended to reduce direct friction between the two parts (components) related.
At Colt Diesel engine, the lubricating oil is pumped by the oil pump. Type oil pump is a type of gear used. In addition as a material for lubrication, lubricating oils have other functions, namely:
·         Reduce heat by taking heat from engine components in its path and seek the friction as small as possible.
·         Removing (take) impurities contained in the components of the machine in its path so as to prevent the corrosion process.
2)   The main components of Lubrication Systems
a.    Oil Pump
Oil pump to suck oil from the crankcase and distribute to all engine components. Oil filter attached to the inlet oil pump (oil pump inlet) to filter out impurities. At Colt Diesel for 4D31 and 4D34 engine oil pump is driven by the camshaft skew gear. As for the 4D33 engine oil pump is driven by the camshaft gear. Oil pump used is a model of the gear. In this model, there are two associated gears. If one wheel spinning gear, then the other gear will also rotate in opposite directions. Therefore, the oil that exists between the crevices of two gears pressed from kelubang exhaust inlet.
Oil pump of this type is very simple but it works well. Oil pump is driven by the crankshaft through the crankshaft gear round that spins the opposite direction to rotation oil pump gear. If the oil pressure increases to higher than standard pressure, oil will be returned to the oil pump relief valve by the work. This is done to prevent congestion in the lubrication system due to excessive pressure. Relief valve mounted on the oil pump.

b.    Oil Cooler
Oil cooler is a device used to convert heat between the coolant and oil pressure. Have an oil cooler bypass valve.
Bypass valve will work if the oil viscosity is high or when clogged oil cooler element. This will cause high resistance to flow, so that the bypass valve will open to re-direct oil to the oil filter element without going through the oil cooler.
Regulator valve will work when the oil pressure in the main oil gallery to be higher than the standard value. Regulator valve will open to the oil back into the oil pan. Thus the oil pressure will re-default.

c.    Oil Filter
Within a specified period, the oil is dirty. This is caused the metal particles, dirt from the air, carbon and other ingredients that go into the oil. The parts by weight will sink, while the parts that will be carried lightly lubricate the engine that will increase the wear and the possibility of excessive heat (over heating).
On the cover there is an oil pump relief valve that works to restore the oil to the oil pan when the pressure exceeds the standard value. This is done to avoid overload on the lubrication system.

3)   Some of Lubrication on Engine Components
Machine components which are interconnected to lubricated to minimize wear and prevent corrosion, so the engine service life will be longer and make better engine performance.
a.    Lubrication on conecting Rod, Piston and Main Bearings
In this lubrication, there is a hole that connects the main oil gallery oil to each bearing. Oil flow in through the hole located on the crankshaft oil to lubricate the connecting rod bearings and then go through the hole located on the connecting rod to lubricate the connecting rod small end bushing. Oil sprayed jets of oil contained in the connecting rod small end to lubricate the piston.

b.    Lubrication on the camshaft and valve mechanism
Camshaft bushings are lubricated by the oil flowing through the channel into the main oil gallery each bushing. At the front end of the camshaft journal oil holes are channeling oil to lubricate the gear camshaft and valve mechanism. Oil into the front of the rocker shaft bracket, then enter the rocker shafts and lubricate every rocker bushings. At the same time, oil gushing from a hole located at the top of the rocker arm to lubricate the upper surface where there is a valve cam and valve stem. Oil into a hole in the cyclinder head push rod and the crankshaft to lubricate the cam before returning to the oil pan.

c.    Timming Gear Lubrication
Oil passing through the main oil gallery to flow through the inside of the camshaft and idler shafts, to lubricate every gear during spinning. In the case contained in the timming gear oil jets that automatically assigns a constant pressure lubrication. In the idler gear, shaft equipped oil lubrication jets for auto Timmer.
Oil jets mounted on the bottom of the main oil gallery component on each cylinder and piston cooling with oil spray towards the inside of the piston. Oil jet fitted with a check valve that opens and closes according to the specified pressure. Check valve closes at low speed, this is done to prevent the increasing pressure on the volume of oil lubrication system components


  1. Conclusion
1.    With presence job training students can understand the world of industry and understand more about the vehicle.
2.    Activities of the industry work practices can add insight, knowledge and experience of students.
3.    Students become skilled children in the automotive mechanical engineering field.

  1. Suggestion
1.     For students working practices that the industry will come to choose appropriate workshops and carry out activities with seriously.
2.    For industry mentor to guide and teach please students, not only become a key decision alone.
3.    For guide school students are expected to monitor and guide the implementation of activities and work practices in the industry working job training report.


Toyota Service Training. 1995. “Training Manual New Step”. Jakarta: PT. Toyota Astra Motor

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